About Adult Directory

April 13th, 2011

About Adultzdir Web Directory


One of the best ways to get a website know in a particular niche is to have a link pointing to the site from websites in that niche. Given that businesses in that niche are you competition, getting a link will not be easy. The second best thing to getting links from you direct competition is getting listed in a reputable web directory in the target niche. This is where Adultz Directory come in.
If you have a website or business in the adult industry, especially adult dating then you really want to get your site listed in our directory. Apart from providing you with the much needed connection with the adult dating industry, adultz dir will also get you basic traffic which when compared with investing in PPC is basically almost free.

Getting your site listed in Adult Dir and its blog is quite straight forward. Just go to adult directory and suggest your site for listing. If you want to be featured on Adultz dir blog, please use the contact form here to give us details about your website and we will arrange to have a blog written about your website in our blog.

We look forward to using Adultz Directory and adult web blog to help you move your business forward. We do not accept listing or blogpost commission for hard porn industry however we will consider writing blogs for soft porn, adult dating, erotic stories and related niche.

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